Category Archives: Other

Diversions: Apollo 15 Moon Landing Hammer and Feather Experiment

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Diversions: Playground

Sorry I didn’t get a video up this past weekend. I was working on another project for a friend of mine. You can see it here if you’re into Doctor Who, or kinetic typography.

This short film was composed of roughly 15 minutes of playtime footage shot from the second floor, and edited with a tilt shift effect. There are other effects in there too, which combine to give a wonderful summery feeling.

The head of the school granted permission for it to be used online, and the music was licenced from Tom Milsom.

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Science Faction

Welcome to the beginning of a new era in Primary Science education!

The purpose of this blog is to assist the non-specialist in fielding the remarkably astute questions that their class can unexpectedly fire from the back of the classroom. It also aims to help you avoid common pitfalls in the understanding of basic science, and to occasionally give you some ideas for practical demonstrations when the topic feels dull, or budgets are tight.

What I hope to avoid is making the reader feel stupid, or ignorant. Not everyone is a science specialist; not everyone has an interest in science; and nobody on Earth has the breadth of knowledge necessary to answer everything their class comes out with.

What I need from you, what I will always need from you, is questions! Questions you had trouble answering off the top of your head. Questions about topics you find difficult to spice up. Questions, even, about your own understanding of the topic at hand. And, of course, feedback on the resources I provide.

I look forward to working with you, towards a greater understanding of science, and towards a more exciting year of lessons!

Thank you,

Joseph Clark


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